Dianne Feinstein is disgraceful. She is also un-patriotic.
Why is she disgraceful? It's no secret that she's anti-2nd Amendment. In this interview from 2009, when asked about her reinstating an assault weapon [sic] ban in America she stated the following,
"I'll pick the time and the place, no question about that."
Well, there's no question about the fact that she's picked the time and the place - and it's now. Her gun ban press conference was held today, just barely over a month since the tragic mass killing at Sandy Hook elementary school. She's certainly not letting a crisis go to waste by playing on the emotions generated by the senseless killing of those 20 children. Yet by picking this time and place she is, in fact, dancing in the blood of the murderded children in Newtown.
She is disgraceful.*
Why is she un-patriotic? Her interests in banning guns go beyond the so-called assault weapons she displayed at the press conference (yet another play on the emotions leftover from Sandy Hook). In this interview from 1995 she flat out states she wants to take away ALL firearms from ALL Americans.
"If I could have gotten 51 votes in the Senate of the United States, - for an outright ban - picking up every one of them - 'Mr. and Mrs. America? Turn 'em all in,' I would've done it."
Turn 'em all in? Has she never heard of the 2nd Amendment of the Constitution? What is it about the right to keep and bear arms not being infringed upon by the government that she doesn't understand?
She is un-patriotic.
* Other indicators of her being disgraceful: Having a Reverend lead a prayer to open her gun banning news conference (no separation of church and state here, I suppose). Fear mongering the gun lobby as the problem. Using "scary looking" guns as props in her news conference. Including the Bushmaster AR-15 (used in Newtown) as a prop at her news conference.
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