When Gun-Control Advocates Carry Guns
It's more prevalent than you might expect. From The Firearms Blog,
There is a level of hypocrisy that goes beyond belief from the anti-gun crowd. Over the years anti-gun zealots such as Rosie O’Donnell suggested that no one should have gun, yet her bodyguard was armed. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg continues a crusade against all guns (not just the illegal variety) with his anti-gun group Mayors Against Illegal Guns, yet everywhere the billionaire goes he has armed guards.
And now it seems that David Brock could be the biggest hypocrite of them all. His name might not be as familiar to readers as Bloomberg or O’Donnell, but Brock is founder of Media Matters for America, a progressive watchdog site that routinely calls out the NRA for anything pro-gun.
Yet it gets even better (or worse, depending on your point of view), from the Daily Caller,
By 2010, Brock’s personal assistant, a man named Haydn Price-Morris, was carrying a holstered and concealed Glock handgun when he accompanied Brock to events, including events in Washington, D.C., a city with famously restrictive gun laws. Price-Morris told others he carried the gun to protect Brock from threats.
Remember incidents like these whenever someone advocates "common-sense" gun laws. Yes, as these anti-gun people so plainly illustrate, "common-sense" equates to taking the necessary steps to protecting oneself.
CEO Demonstrates Body Armor
By having a live round fired at him, point-blank!
Kids (and adults) DON'T try this at home!!!
Negligent Discharge (ND) of the day
Remember, Remember, Remember: Guns don't discharge or "go off" all by themselves. From Knoxnews.com (emphasis added),
A vendor at the Knoxville Gun & Knife Show shot himself in the hand while attempting to show off his personal weapon Sunday, according to the police.
Adams, a licensed vendor at the event in the Jacob Building on Magnolia Avenue, apparently was showing his personal concealed weapon — a Kimber .45-caliber semi-automatic handgun — to a customer when the weapon discharged, DeBusk said.
Please, people, know and practice the 4 Rules of Gun Safety.
If you keep a firearm for home defense - know when the safety is off
And when it's on. From the Springfield News-Leader (emphasis added),
Branden M. Slavens, 28, has been charged with first-degree burglary, first-degree assault, armed criminal action, felonious restraint, first-degree robbery, felony resisting arrest, third-degree assault and two counts of first-degree tampering, according to the Greene County Sheriff’s Office.
Between 3 and 3:30 a.m. Friday, Slavens used an ax to force his way into the back door of a residence within one mile of the crash site, the documents said. A woman at the residence, awakened by noises, initially told Slavens to leave before he used the ax to get in. Once inside, he threw the woman onto the floor, the documents said. A man at the home then came down the stairs with a rifle. The man later told police he pulled the trigger to protect himself and his wife, but the safety was on. Slavens then struck the man on his left arm with the ax, causing severe injuries. Slavens then took the gun.
New York City working on "X-ray Vision" to look under your pants
For any concealed guns you might be hiding. And the ACLU is not happy (among others). From the New York Times,
In a speech on Tuesday morning to the New York City Police Foundation, Police Commissioner Raymond W. Kelly said the department was working with the Defense Department to develop gun-scan technology “capable of detecting concealed firearms.”
The tool would operate as a sort of reverse infrared mapping tool by reading the energy people emit and pinpointing where that flow is blocked by some object, like a gun.
Can we all say, "governmental intrusion"?
Another pregnant woman with a shotgun
In Minnesota, and she ran off burglars by racking her shotgun. From CBS,
It’s the last thing two burglary suspects expected to hear when they broke into a Coon Rapids home. From within the house came the unmistakable sound of a pump shotgun. At the other end of that gun was a 22-year-old woman who is nine weeks pregnant.
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