HHS Mandate Edition II
Joe Carter's FAQ page for the HHS Mandate
Some excerpts,
What is this contraception mandate everyone keeps talking about?
As part of the universal health insurance reform passed in 2010 (often referred to as "Obamacare"), all group health plans must now provide---at no cost to the recipient---certain "preventive services." The list of services includes sterilization, contraceptives, and abortifacient drugs.
Doesn't the mandate only apply to religious organizations that receive federal funding?
No. The mandate applies to religious employers even if they receive no federal funding.
Isn't this just a Catholic issue?
No. Although the Catholic Church has been the most vocal opponent of the mandate, many Protestant, Jewish, and Muslims also oppose the mandate. In fact, several evangelical leaders have called on evangelicals to stand with Catholics in civil disobedience to this law. Additionally, 300 academics and religious leaders---including TGC's D.A. Carson and Justin Taylor---signed a statement by the Beckett Fund explaining why the mandate is "unacceptable."
Lies, damned lies and 98 percent of Catholic women
6 more things everyone should know about the HHS Mandate
From the post,
1. The rule that created the uproar has not changed at all, but was finalized as is.
2. The rule leaves open the possibility that even exempt “religious employers” will be forced to cover sterilization.
3. The new “accommodation” is not a current rule, but a promise that comes due beyond the point of public accountability.
4. Even if the promises of “accommodation” are fulfilled entirely, religious charities, schools, and hospitals will still be forced to violate their beliefs.
5. The “accommodation” does not even purport to help objecting insurers, for-profit religious employers, secular employers, or individuals.
6. Beware of claims, especially by partisans, that the bishops are partisan.
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