Okay, so it's barely February and the election isn't until November. That means we'll have to sit through another 9 months of endless political rhetoric, ALL of which is essentially useless blather because, as every true cynic knows, none of it will make ANY difference in the choices you and I have on election day.
Unless things change drastically, from what they are today, it's a two human race for both parties: Little John McCain vs. Rich Mitt Romney, and Annoying Hillary Clinton vs. Vacuous Barack Obama.
Now, while I have little affection for McCain or Romney, I have even less desire to see the position of POTUS go to every Socialist's dream, Hillary Clinton. Besides, can you imagine having to listen to her monotonous droning for at least the next 4 years? Turn up the iPod, man. But the most anxious people in D.C., right now, must be the Secret Service personnel tasked with guarding the President. I mean, these guys follow the President around everywhere he goes - oops - if Hillary gets in, then it's everywhere she goes. You understand? They've got to be with her - everywhere.
Then there's Obama. You've got to be kidding me - change out one letter and we've got people mistakenly calling him President Osama. And how old is the guy? 46? He's supposed to be bringing fresh energy to the political landscape; yet what is his marketing slogan? Stand for Change. Oh yeah... original.
And yet, how conservative are McCain and Romney, really?
Let's face it, as conservatives, we're stuck with either McCain or Romney. As such, I propose that a few of those political junkies out there (e.g., Joe Carter or Andrew Jackson), start up a new campaign of conservatives who are fed up with the direction the Republican Party has gone. We're here to let it be known that we're voting for McCain or Romney, but only because the alternatives are out of the question. Our motto? Stuck With McCain (or, Romney, as the case may be). Check it out, the domains are available: http://www.StuckWithMcCain.com or http://www.StuckWithRomney.com
Along the Stuck With McCain/Romney vein:
As for McCain "the straight-talker," how can anyone explain his abrupt about-face on two of his signature issues: immigration and tax cuts? As everyone knows, McCain led the battle not once but twice against the border-security-first approach to illegal immigration as co-author of the McCain-Kennedy bill. He disparaged the motives of the millions of people who objected to his legislation. He fought all amendments that would limit the general amnesty provisions of the bill. This controversy raged for weeks. Only now he says he’s gotten the message. Yet, when asked last night if he would sign the McCain-Kennedy bill as president, he dissembles, arguing that it’s a hypothetical question.
Bob Novak confirms McCain’s anti-Alito comment (Hot Air) -
On Monday, the day before the Florida primary, John Fund reported that John McCain had told a group of lawyers that while he would appoint a John Roberts to the SCOTUS, he might draw the line at appointing a Sam Alito because he “wore his conservatism on his sleeve.”
The GOP No Longer Represents Conservatives (Stones Cry Out) -
If the Republican Party continues on its current path it will nominate either John McCain or (given a Super Tuesday miracle) Mitt Romney, who are not bona fide conservatives. In doing so, the GOP will demonstrate that it no longer represents conservatives and has placed a higher value on winning an election than standing by its principles.
The Case Against Romney (Joe Carter)
The main reason I can't support Mitt Romney is because of John Kerry. I spent much of the 2004 election bashing Kerry for his political expediency. How then can I defend a candidate that is a bigger flip-flopper than Kerry? If he were a Democrat Mitt Romney would be excoriated for his lack of integrity.
Tammy Bruce might vote for Hillary over McCain
I'd rather have a party that works to get a partially-good option elected than one that picks my ideal candidate with the end result of getting Hillary elected.
Fred Thompson got into the race. People didn't vote for him. Do we blame party leadership, or do we just recognize that McCain and Romney are the guys who've gotten the votes, and hope McCain picks Fred as his running mate?
Posted by: LotharBot | February 01, 2008 at 03:15 PM
Well, that's the dilemma we're "stuck" with, isn't it? Settling for the partially-good option. The thing is, the Republican Party's partially-good options are hardly conservative. So, what are conservatives to do?
My point in the StuckWithMcCain push is to send a message to GOP leadership that a significant portion of their people are unhappy with the direction they've gone. Of course, that's assuming there's a significant portion of conservatives who think that way.
Posted by: Rusty | February 02, 2008 at 02:50 PM