Joe Carter lets loose and tells us what he really thinks in Romney Rising (Finally) Reflections on the MI Primary. With regards to my man Fred Thompson, Joe says,
In five days we can finally say goodbye to Fred Thompson. It can't come soon enough. I was one of the original "FredHeads" who eagerly waited (and waited…and waited…) for him to get in the race so that he could save us from Giuliani. Back in those humid days of summer we fantasized about how he would be the second coming of Reagan only to find he was third coming of Bob Dole. Soon after getting into the race it was clear that he was waiting for the day he could drop out.
Sigh. While I am one of the original "FredHeads" I think that Joe is, unfortunately, correct. Shucks, D.A. Arthur Branch - I mean - Former Senator Fred Thompson should have been able to cash in on his small-screen persona, but he didn't. Now, call me Tennessee naive, but couldn't everyone else see the strength of his Southern self-confidence? Unassuming as it was.
It's been about 45 years since John F. Kennedy demonstrated that the Imago Media could literally grant one the position of most powerful man on Earth. So, it's no wonder that the likes of Thompson, Huckabee, and Clinton must contend with every-hair-in-place Romney or media-messiah Obama.
I'm pretty simple in my approach to voting for POTUS: check the box in November, 2008. Sure, I'll make my call, come Primary day, but why the fuss at this point in time? I could read Reynolds' and Hewitt's endorsements of Romney, Joe's many analyses of Huckabee, etc. Or I could simply press "pause" and enjoy reading J.I. Packer's Knowing God. Easy choice (for me).
Yeah, Fred's my man... but his days are numbered. Giuliani? He's essentially Hillary in drag (and he's out of it, anyway). McCain? Too old (and short) and his temper is re-emerging. Huckabee? Sigh. Do we really want to have a "President Huckabee"? Ron Paul? Ron Paul?! Hillary? She's essentially Giuliani in a suit. Obama? The audacity of ignorance? For crying out loud, why not just fast forward and start building his presidential library?
So, am I left with Romney?
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